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Discover practical tools and real-world strategies to improve communication and collaboration in the oil industry


Transform Your Teamwork and Leadership Skills with Real-World Oilfield Insights

> Why Should You Read This Book?

If you're tired of waiting for training or struggling to find reliable advice on improving your communication skills, 'Crude Communication' is your go-to guide. It provides practical tips, real-world stories and insights the author wishes someone had shared with him early in his career.

> Who Should Read This Book?

Anyone in the oil and gas industry looking to enhance their interpersonal skills, build better teams, and improve workplace relationships. Whether you're a new hire, a foreman, or just starting out as a roustabout, this book offers real-life stories and practical advice to help you advance your career and improve your communication skills.

> Who Shouldn't Read This Book?

Those who believe communication is irrelevant to the oil and gas industry, thinking soft skills are not for a hard industry. Those who think communication is easy and feel they have it all figured out. Those afraid of change or set on learning the hard way.


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Fuel your career in the oil and gas industry by mastering the art of communication and teamwork. Dive into the blog to discover proven strategies that amplify collaboration and boost productivity. Don't miss out on the key insights that could reshape your professional journey—click now for a transformative experience in the world of energy teamwork!

Let's Talk

We are still gathering ideas and stories to share about improving communication in today's oilfield. Do you want to leave us an idea, something you would share with growing leaders? I’m open to feedback and dialogue. I encourage you to contact me. If you have comments, questions, or media requests, fill out the form, and let's start communicating. I can’t wait to hear from you

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About the Author

Travis McCaughey, An experienced oil and gas operator with 15+ years of experience. Alaskan, dedicated to a career in the oil and gas industry since 2006. With an associate's degree in Process Technology from Kenai Peninsula College. A passionate advocate for continuous improvement, his experience across oil, gas, and pipelines drives his commitment to enhancing field operations. He looks forward to shaping emerging talent and making lasting contributions to the industry.

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