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Elevating Listening in the Oil and Gas Sector

The energy sector can be intricate, requiring precision and accuracy. At times these are non-negotiable, the act of listening transforms from a simple courtesy to a critical operational necessity. Poor listening can unravel even the most meticulously laid plans, leading to misunderstandings, safety risks, and inefficiencies. 

Read further to learn 6 ways you can improve your communication skills and influence others to hone their listening skills as well. 

  1. Keep Communication Concise

First and foremost, keep it short. In an industry where time is of the essence, brevity in communication ensures that essential information is not lost in a sea of words. This approach caters to even the most distracted listener by delivering information in digestible, impactful snippets.

  1. Direct Engagement Techniques

Engage poor listeners directly by clearly stating the importance of what you're about to say, for example: "It's essential you hear this." Such directness commands attention and underscores the significance of the message. If someone is habitually talking over others, a polite request to listen first can recalibrate the focus of the conversation, making it clear that their input is valuable, but timing is key.

  1. Foster Active Participation

Encourage participation by asking for their views or if they wish to add anything. Questions like, "What are your thoughts?" or "Do you feel included in this plan?" not only make them feel valued but also necessitate listening as a precursor to contributing. This method ensures they are engaged and acknowledges their importance in the dialogue.

  1. Create a Conducive Environment

Minimize distractions by choosing settings conducive to focused conversations. Before diving into discussions, ensure that the listener has had a chance to voice their thoughts, clearing the mental space for your message. If a conversation is crucial, positioning yourself within their visual field or even along their path can gently enforce the importance of the interaction, making it harder for them to disengage.

  1. Utilize Follow-Up Communications

After face-to-face efforts, reinforce key points through written communication. Sending an email or a text not only serves as a reminder but also provides a reference point for the listener to revisit. This dual-channel approach caters to different processing styles and ensures that your message is both heard and understood.

  1. Eye Contact and Physical Presence

Never underestimate the power of eye contact, strategic positioning, and other forms of nonverbal communication. Establishing eye contact and other forms of body language is a non-verbal cue that signals the need for attention while positioning yourself so that you are directly in their line of sight, emphasizing the importance of the interaction. In situations where a listener attempts to leave prematurely, continuing the conversation can underscore the necessity of their attention until the exchange is rightfully concluded.

  1. Consider Other Styles of Communication

While some might find it easy to retain information by listening during a meeting, others might prefer to receive information in a more visual format. Consider providing written materials that highlight the information that is necessary for your employees to remember. It might also be beneficial to ask your employees how they best retain information and adjust your communication style accordingly. 


In weaving these strategies into the fabric of daily operations the industry can elevate its listening culture. From direct engagement and fostering participation to creating distraction-free

environments and reinforcing messages through follow-up communications, each approach offers a pathway to improved listening. As we implement these practices, we not only enhance individual communication skills but also fortify the collective efficacy and safety of our operations. Listening, after all, is the bedrock upon which successful communication, collaboration, and operational excellence are built in the high-stakes world of oil and gas.

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